This huge banyan tree has a history of more than 400 years 这棵大榕树已经有四百多年的历史了。
Lcsd saddened by collapse of banyan tree branches at kowloon park 康文署惋惜九公园大榕树部分树干塌下
Look , xiaoling is sitting on the grass under the big banyan tree 看,小玲正坐在一棵大菩提树下的草地上。
Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands , tender and fresh as butter 在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶。
Be sure to check out the giant banyan tree decorated with lanterns while you ' re there 在此你一定不要忘记观赏硕大的装饰着灯笼的菩提树。
An eight - metre - high waterfall and two banyan tree bridges located in the south garden provide great backdrops for photographs 南园内有一道八米高的瀑布,更有两条榕树桥绝对是拍照的好地点。
Some of them even climbed up the banyan tree outside the court hoping to get a better view of what was happening 为了取得有利位置,有些市民还爬到法庭外的大榕树上,欲居高临下,看个清楚呢!
It s a japan - style building tht has two banyan trees in front and is decoed with black - brick roof and red - brick wall 为日式风格院落,院落前有两棵榕树与一栋黑瓦屋顶、红色砖墙的日式建筑,建筑样式简单朴素。
Moon hill yueliang shan is located 3 km south of the banyan tree . there is a hole in its peak in the shape of a half moon through which the sky can be seen 古榕南三公里处有个月亮山,山脊有一状似月亮的洞,透过洞口可看到天空。
The second trip of the day began at banyan tree park with a search that found more than twenty homeless in the park and on adjacent roads 在榕树头公园以及附近公路旁,就找到了20多位游民,同修立即上前致赠礼物,并表达慰问关怀之意。